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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

V-22 Osprey & Flying on Tuesday

 What a great day to go flying today, plus an unexpected treat of seeing a V-22.

After waiting a few days for my schedule and the weather to cooperate, I got out to the field around 1:00PM.  Across the way I spotted a Boeing V-22 Osprey and it commenced starting making a near vertical liftoff!
V-22 Liftoff
Coming in from the west for a landing
It was a great thrill to see it make repeated takeoffs and landings.

I brought out my recently refurbished Tower Uproar 40 that I bought from Cloyce a few meetings ago. It was time to give it a test flight. I put on a MDS 46 that I've had for almost a dozen years and I've had mixed results with. But it seems to be running more reliably now since I re-tuned it and added a "hot" glow plug. I also added an Assan 2.4 Ghz receiver which I can control from my Hitec transmitter.
All ready to go, Uproar 40
The MDS died on the first takeoff and ended up in the weeds at the east end of the runway. No damage done so I restarted the engine and got in a good 6 minute flight which I followed with another 6 1/2 minute flight. On the third flight I was trying touch-and-go landings when I pancaked it in, bent the landing gear and broke the prop.  When I got it back to the shop it took just a couple of minutes to bend the l.g. wire back in shape and add a new prop. 

The MDS 46 is more power than needed and I have some 36 size engines that I may try on it. I like the way it handles and the convenience of having a plane that fits in my little Chevy Aveo without having to take the wing off.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Saturday Flying Report

A great day to fly with the weather cooperating and a good turnout.

Dennis got some great flying on his Twist 40. He re-engined it with an OS 45AX and said it flew much better with the engine change and an adjustment to the c.g. Cloyce flew his gas powered Yak. It seemed to fly well but he wasn't quite satisfied. Bobby had a Saito powered 4-Star and he wrung it out with several flights. Steve Anderson brought out his Piper Cherokee. He flew it several times looking for a perfect landing.

Cherokee 40
Great Planes Piper Cherikee
Gary flew an ElectroStick and it flew quite well.

Gary, cast and all, just before takeoff with his electric Stick 

Since I hadn't flown at all for over a month, I brought out my LT-40 to dust off the cob webs and get in some stick time. My flight was a bit off with some drastic trim and stability issues. Cranking a lot of down elevator cured the problem. I later discovered that the forward wing hold-down attachment had developed some slop that resulted in a couple of degrees of incidence change depending on how much of lift was pushing or pulling on the joint. On a later flight Cloyce strolled out to two tanks just north of our field in order to see just how far out I was flying. The LT-40 was making it out to the tanks. Due to the proximity of the active airport runway the tanks should be the limit of our northward flying.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Pioneer Days Parade float

Don't forget the club is entering a float in the upcoming Pioneer Days Parade on September 21st....we need planes to display and volunteers for it also. Thanks everyone and I hope to be in back in town from working for the upcoming "Hammer Bellino" memorial fly-in on Saturday Sept. 28th also.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Warbirds Over the Rockies show coming up soon

Is anyone planning on attending this event coming up soon???.....I may consider going to it also if there is some interest in car pooling to this show....respond via email or telephone and let me know ASAP....
Thanks everyone,
Mark J. Sullivan

P.S. Here's a link to the event....check out the video also while looking around their site if you'd like.

Thursday, September 5, 2013