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Saturday, April 7, 2012

Site Spruce-Up list is now updated

 The list of repairs and items still needing taken care of has been updated as of Saturday April 7. We have all certainly put a HUGE dent in the items on the list being completed and able to cross them off now.
 There are still a few more larger items that need all of our attention in the very near future such as re-doing the roofs on both the storage and impound buildings with new felt paper and roofing material.
It doesn't appear that there will be enough roll roofing type of material for doing both buildings, and I was wondering if any of the members may have some 3-tab or T-locks or even some more roll roofing laying around that would be enough to do one of the buildings that they would like to donate by chance?
 We can then use the roll roofing that we have on hand on one of the other buildings then to get them both back up in shape before we suffer major structural damage to the roof decks on either building.
 I will be picking up the lumber and hardware needed to repair and replace the seats on the picnic table under the shade canopy this week, and if anyone is available to assist me with the job please contact me via email or my cell phone and we can get that repair done also.
Thanks again for everyone's hard work and continued efforts in getting the needed repairs accomplished in a timely manner.
Mark J. Sullivan

1 comment:

  1. So you broke the key on how to edit the pages ... way to go
