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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Pit Shade Canopy ideas and thoughts

I am gathering ideas and suggestions for installing a shade canopy over the flight tables in the pits, so please feel free to contact me with suggestions and ideas and such for this project, so we can gather up a list of materials needed, and to also see who has access to what materials ahead of time, and to put together some sort of an idea of a budget and bill of materials list for this project also.

So far, from what I have found out from several members, is a definite agreement on installing this project, and numerous people have came forward with ideas and suggestions and lots of great donations of needed materials such as lumber, metal roofing, hardware, paint, post hole digging and even cash donations.

Once we gather up a more firm idea of who has access to what amounts of different materials, then we can begin the process of seeing how much other materials are still needed, and the additional costs involved to the club.

Please let me know if you have any donations of materials such as those already mentioned above, and I will start gathering up cost projections to see about the possibility of voting for further work on this project.

If anyone knows of any, or has access to some metal pipe for corner posts also, that would be a definite plus.

Even if we only start out covering some but not all of the flight line at this time, that is still a positive step in the right direction to further this project along.

Since our next club meeting is coming up soon, and is at the flying field this time, I will set up my canopy again  so members can try to get an idea of just how nice it is to have the shade over us while flying, as well as looking into the idea of a possible wind-break for spending time at the field when the weather is cooler later in the season.

Contact me day or night on my cell phone to discuss this project, and also to let me know what materials or donations can be arranged to assist with this project.

Thanks again,
Mark J. Sullivan

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