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Friday, May 4, 2012

To all who were out at the field last Saturday & Sunday, thanks for the help and encouragement. Hopefully soon, we'll get a weekend without so much wind.
I didn't fly much but did get a few good photos !!
Thanks Again,


  1. Hey Mark,
    Hopefully you will get more flying in without so much wind soon.
    Please post any pictures you care to at anytime, and also reporting anything you care to on the website too. Thank you for your contributions too.
    Mark J. Sullivan

  2. Well Mark I was out early and did get a maiden flight on the pylon racer. Needed a fair amount of trim but it got in the air and back on the ground with no repairs required. I think it was Mark Putzer stopped by but it was too windy. Also the newest member that joined at the last meeting You know me and names, WE did get his 20 year old trainer started and he ran a tank of fuel through it. I did a survey of the entire plane and think it will fly well.
